Saturday, June 30, 2012

Week 1 -- Joshua 1:8

"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then you will be prosperous and successful."  Joshua 1:8

Here we go!  This is the first verse for our new challenge.  Are you wondering where to begin?  Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

1.  Pray - It's always a good idea to begin your study and meditation time with prayer.  Ask God to help you understand the scripture and He will!

2.  Context - A Bible teacher reminded us recently that CONTEXT is the most important thing to remember when studying the Bible.  In other words, don't just look at the individual verse but consider everything surrounding the verse, who is speaking, who is being addressed, what's going on at this particular time, etc.

3.  Translations - Most all of the verses I put on this site are from the NIV Bible but you may want to look them up in another translation.  Sometimes another similar word is used within the verse that helps give you some insight.  If you do, please share it with the group!

4.  Cross-References  - You may have cross-references in the margin of your Bible.  This helps you find other related passages quickly.  If you have cross-references and are unsure about how to use them, there is likely an explanation in the front of your Bible.

5.  Footnotes - If your Bible has footnotes, that's definitely another good source for giving additional information or helping you to understand the verse.

6.  Index Cards -  Don't forget to make your index cards.  The cards are going to be a useful tool for memorization.  You can post them in your home where you can see them throughout the day or take them with you to study while you're waiting on an appointment or on your lunch break.  You get the idea!

These are just a few ideas -- I might point out that you may not necessarily do ALL of these in one sitting.  Sometimes it's good to read and/or study a little and then just sit and be quiet before the Lord.

Please share what you're doing so we can encourage, sharpen and learn from one another.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to be back on the blog - feels like home:) I am posting my verse on the mirror in my bathroom so I see it every morning.
