Saturday, May 26, 2012

BC Update

We're back from a week of fun in the sun, birding, nature trails, great food and tons of fun at the lake!  One thing I really missed was my music.....when I got in the car to drive home, this was the first song I heard on the radio.

Wow!  So amazing how music ministers to me!  What load are you trying to carry?  Struggles with your job, your finances, your health, your relationships?  Sometimes we're not strong enough but the good news is we don't have to be!  When I am weak, God is strong!

Something exciting happened while we were at the lake -- Travis finished the Bible Challenge!!!

Congratulations, Travis!

He finished a week early.  Reading his Bible at the lake was so nice, he just kept reading until the end!  I'm so proud of've just finished reading the greatest book ever written!

This week we have been reading 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude.  Now, we're into Revelation.  How's that going for everyone?  I can't believe we only have 5 days left!!

This overview of Revelation was in my Bible.  I found it helpful and thought you might as well.

Journey Through the Book of Revelation

In chapter one, John relates the circumstances that led to the writing of this book.  In chapters two and three, Jesus gives special messages to the seven churches of Asia Minor.

Suddenly John is caught up into heaven, where he sees a vision of God Almighty on his throne.  All of Christs's followers and the heavenly angels are worshiping God.  John watches as God gives a scroll with seven seals to the worthy Lamb, Jesus Christ.  The Lamb begins to open the seals one by one.  As each seal is opened, a new vision appears.

As the first four seals are opened, riders appear on horses of different colors -- war, famine, disease, and earth are in their path.  As the fifth seal is opened, John sees those in heaven who have been martyred for their faith in Christ.

A set of contrasting images appears at the opening of the sixth seal.  On one side, there is a huge earthquake, stars falling from the sky, and the sky rolling up like a scroll.  On the other side, multitudes are before the great throne, worshiping and praising God and the Lamb.

Finally, the seventh seal is opened, unveiling a series of God's judgments announced by seven angels with seven trumpets.  The first four angels bring hail, fire, a burning mountain, and a falling star -- the sun and moon are darkened.  The fifth trumpet announces the coming of locusts with the power to sting.  The sixth trumpet heralds the coming of an army of warriors on horses.  In chapter 10:1-11, John is given a little scroll to eat.  Following this, John is commanded to measure the temple of God.  He sees two witnesses who proclaim God's judgment on the earth for three and a half years.

Finally, the seventh trumpet sounds, calling the rival forces of good and evil to the final battle.  On one side is Satan and his forces; on the other side stands Jesus Christ with his forces.  In the midst of this call to battle, John sees three angels announcing the final judgment.  Two angels begin to reap this harvest of judgment on the earth.  Following on the heels of these two angels are seven more angels who pour out God's judgment on the earth from seven bowls.  One of these angels from the group of seven reveals to John a vision of a "great prostitute" called Babylon riding a scarlet beast.  After the defeat of Babylon, a great multitude in heaven shouts praise to God for his mighty victory.

The final three chapters of the book of Revelation catalogue the events that finalize Christ's victory over the enemy:  Satan's 1,000-year imprisonment, the final judgment, and the creation of a new earth and a new Jerusalem.  An angel then gives John final instructions concerning the visions John has seen and what to do once he has written them all down.

Revelation concludes with the promise of Christ's soon return, an offer to drink of the water of life that flows through the great street of the new Jerusalem, and a warning to those who read the book.  May we pray with John, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus".

The Bible ends with a message of warning and hope for men and women of every generation.  Christ is victorious, and all evil has been done away with.  As you read the book of Revelation, marvel at God's grace in the salvation of the saints and his power over the evil forces of Satan and remember the hope of this victory to come.


All notes in italics taken from Life Application Study Bible, New International Version.

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