I thought we should post a song since it's been soooo long.......
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Week 1 -- Joshua 1:8
"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8
Here we go! This is the first verse for our new challenge. Are you wondering where to begin? Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
1. Pray - It's always a good idea to begin your study and meditation time with prayer. Ask God to help you understand the scripture and He will!
2. Context - A Bible teacher reminded us recently that CONTEXT is the most important thing to remember when studying the Bible. In other words, don't just look at the individual verse but consider everything surrounding the verse, who is speaking, who is being addressed, what's going on at this particular time, etc.
3. Translations - Most all of the verses I put on this site are from the NIV Bible but you may want to look them up in another translation. Sometimes another similar word is used within the verse that helps give you some insight. If you do, please share it with the group!
4. Cross-References - You may have cross-references in the margin of your Bible. This helps you find other related passages quickly. If you have cross-references and are unsure about how to use them, there is likely an explanation in the front of your Bible.
5. Footnotes - If your Bible has footnotes, that's definitely another good source for giving additional information or helping you to understand the verse.
6. Index Cards - Don't forget to make your index cards. The cards are going to be a useful tool for memorization. You can post them in your home where you can see them throughout the day or take them with you to study while you're waiting on an appointment or on your lunch break. You get the idea!
These are just a few ideas -- I might point out that you may not necessarily do ALL of these in one sitting. Sometimes it's good to read and/or study a little and then just sit and be quiet before the Lord.
Please share what you're doing so we can encourage, sharpen and learn from one another.
Here we go! This is the first verse for our new challenge. Are you wondering where to begin? Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
1. Pray - It's always a good idea to begin your study and meditation time with prayer. Ask God to help you understand the scripture and He will!
2. Context - A Bible teacher reminded us recently that CONTEXT is the most important thing to remember when studying the Bible. In other words, don't just look at the individual verse but consider everything surrounding the verse, who is speaking, who is being addressed, what's going on at this particular time, etc.
3. Translations - Most all of the verses I put on this site are from the NIV Bible but you may want to look them up in another translation. Sometimes another similar word is used within the verse that helps give you some insight. If you do, please share it with the group!
4. Cross-References - You may have cross-references in the margin of your Bible. This helps you find other related passages quickly. If you have cross-references and are unsure about how to use them, there is likely an explanation in the front of your Bible.
5. Footnotes - If your Bible has footnotes, that's definitely another good source for giving additional information or helping you to understand the verse.
6. Index Cards - Don't forget to make your index cards. The cards are going to be a useful tool for memorization. You can post them in your home where you can see them throughout the day or take them with you to study while you're waiting on an appointment or on your lunch break. You get the idea!
These are just a few ideas -- I might point out that you may not necessarily do ALL of these in one sitting. Sometimes it's good to read and/or study a little and then just sit and be quiet before the Lord.
Please share what you're doing so we can encourage, sharpen and learn from one another.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Tools & Pointers
A few things that will be helpful for our new Bible Challenge are:
1. The Bible
2. Bible Concordance - A Bible concordance will help you find other Scriptures that are related to the passage or word upon which you are meditating.
3. Bible Dictionary - A Bible Dictionary is just like the normal dictionary except that it focuses specifically on Bible words, customs and teachings.
4. 3X5 Index Cards - Index cards are an effective tool for memorizing and meditating upon the Word of God. They are easy to take with you wherever you go.
5. Notebook -- This could be anything from a spiral notebook to a pretty journal. It will just be a tool to record thoughts, prayers and revelations.
6. Pens and Highlighters
Owning your own Bible concordance or dictionary is not absolutely necessary because we can utilize many free online resources. www.biblestudytools.com was a site I found with a quick search. If you know of other similar tools, please share in the comment section. I'm sure we'll find more as we go along.
The following "6 pointers" from the BBC Manual will help you get started with your index cards.
1. Write out a verse or passage on the card. Use your own handwriting. It is more personal than typed words. Write out key words differently than other words throughout the verse. For instance, capitalize all the letters in the key words.
2. Record the date you begin memorizing the verses on the top left hand corner. This will help you monitor your progress in memorization and meditation from the date you began.
3. Record the scripture reference in the top right hand corner. This will allow you to locate your reference at a glance.
4. Highlight, underline, comment. Make each card your own personal work of art. Memorization doesn't have to be boring!
5. Record the meaning of key words on the back of the card. Each verse has one or more key words that deserve some study in order to find out their root meanings. For word research use the internet, a concordance or Bible dictionary.
I'm reminded of something our speaker at church said this Sunday. He suggested that when studying the Word of God, nothing is better than the Word itself! We can understand the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit. So, although these tools will most likely be useful for us during this challenge, let us not forget to begin each time of study and meditation by asking God to reveal truth to us with the help of the Holy Spirit.
5 more days -- we begin July 1st!
1. The Bible
2. Bible Concordance - A Bible concordance will help you find other Scriptures that are related to the passage or word upon which you are meditating.
3. Bible Dictionary - A Bible Dictionary is just like the normal dictionary except that it focuses specifically on Bible words, customs and teachings.
4. 3X5 Index Cards - Index cards are an effective tool for memorizing and meditating upon the Word of God. They are easy to take with you wherever you go.
5. Notebook -- This could be anything from a spiral notebook to a pretty journal. It will just be a tool to record thoughts, prayers and revelations.
6. Pens and Highlighters
Owning your own Bible concordance or dictionary is not absolutely necessary because we can utilize many free online resources. www.biblestudytools.com was a site I found with a quick search. If you know of other similar tools, please share in the comment section. I'm sure we'll find more as we go along.
The following "6 pointers" from the BBC Manual will help you get started with your index cards.
1. Write out a verse or passage on the card. Use your own handwriting. It is more personal than typed words. Write out key words differently than other words throughout the verse. For instance, capitalize all the letters in the key words.
2. Record the date you begin memorizing the verses on the top left hand corner. This will help you monitor your progress in memorization and meditation from the date you began.
3. Record the scripture reference in the top right hand corner. This will allow you to locate your reference at a glance.
4. Highlight, underline, comment. Make each card your own personal work of art. Memorization doesn't have to be boring!
5. Record the meaning of key words on the back of the card. Each verse has one or more key words that deserve some study in order to find out their root meanings. For word research use the internet, a concordance or Bible dictionary.
I'm reminded of something our speaker at church said this Sunday. He suggested that when studying the Word of God, nothing is better than the Word itself! We can understand the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit. So, although these tools will most likely be useful for us during this challenge, let us not forget to begin each time of study and meditation by asking God to reveal truth to us with the help of the Holy Spirit.
5 more days -- we begin July 1st!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The NEW Bible Challenge
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11
Does God want His Word to be in our hearts? YES!
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." Phillipians 4:8
Does God want His Word to be in our minds? YES!
" 'As for me, this is my covenant with them,' says the LORD. 'My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever,' says the LORD." Isaiah 59:21
Does God want His Word to be in our mouths? YES!
God NEVER wants His Word to depart from our mouths.
"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8
"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8
How can this happen? By meditating day and night. What is Biblical meditation?
I like the BBC Manual's definition:
"Biblical meditation is the act of centering your thoughts upon the Word of God and the God of the Word. The concept behind meditation is that of a cow chewing its cud. As a cow digests its food, it actually brings up the food it has eaten, and eats it again. In the same way, meditation means to digest the Word of God and then bring it up in order to chew on it again. The implication behind this word picture is that the Word of God is so full of spiritual nutrients and blessing, that one consumption would never exhaust the riches found even in one mouthful. Jeremiah said, 'Your words were found, and I did eat them. And your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.' (Jeremiah 15:16 NKJV). God's Word is real 'soul food.' Meditation helps you to enjoy every bite.
Meditation is the 1st element of our new Bible Challenge. If you're still unsure about what this looks like, don't worry -- we're going to be learning effective ways to meditate on God's Word together as we go along.
Element # 2 of the new Bible Challenge will be memorization. Whoa! Wait a minute! Don't "x" out of this blog too quickly. I know memorization is a scary word to many but it can be done and we're going to help each other. You memorize countless things daily without realizing it -- names, dates, phone numbers, recipes, directions...the list goes on.
Oftentimes, a stumbling block to scripture memory is having the idea, "I want to memorize scripture" without a good goal. In the Bible Challenge, we will be memorizing ONE verse of scripture each week -- the same scripture we will be meditating on all week.
After spending so much time with one verse for a whole week, my hope is you will discover that you have it memorized!
In summary, the Bible Challenge 2012-2013 will consist of a 52-week challenge where you will be meditating on and memorizing one verse of scripture each week. At the end of the challenge, you will have saturated yourselves with these 52 verses, which in turn is going to positively affect your emotions, your will and your mind, bringing them captive to the obedience of Christ. You should be able to recall many, if not all, of the verses for personal meditation anytime/anywhere, whether you have your Bible in hand or not. You will be able to utilize these verses in your prayer life, which is very powerful, especially in times of spiritual warfare. And you will have scripture on the tip of your tongue, ready to minister to people you come into contact with. You will have the scripture in your mouth!
I hope this gives you an idea of the importance of meditation & memorization of God's Word and I hope you are excited about this new challenge and the fruit you can expect in your lives.
Please prayerfully consider taking this challenge with us!
I like the BBC Manual's definition:
"Biblical meditation is the act of centering your thoughts upon the Word of God and the God of the Word. The concept behind meditation is that of a cow chewing its cud. As a cow digests its food, it actually brings up the food it has eaten, and eats it again. In the same way, meditation means to digest the Word of God and then bring it up in order to chew on it again. The implication behind this word picture is that the Word of God is so full of spiritual nutrients and blessing, that one consumption would never exhaust the riches found even in one mouthful. Jeremiah said, 'Your words were found, and I did eat them. And your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.' (Jeremiah 15:16 NKJV). God's Word is real 'soul food.' Meditation helps you to enjoy every bite.
Meditation is the 1st element of our new Bible Challenge. If you're still unsure about what this looks like, don't worry -- we're going to be learning effective ways to meditate on God's Word together as we go along.
Element # 2 of the new Bible Challenge will be memorization. Whoa! Wait a minute! Don't "x" out of this blog too quickly. I know memorization is a scary word to many but it can be done and we're going to help each other. You memorize countless things daily without realizing it -- names, dates, phone numbers, recipes, directions...the list goes on.
Oftentimes, a stumbling block to scripture memory is having the idea, "I want to memorize scripture" without a good goal. In the Bible Challenge, we will be memorizing ONE verse of scripture each week -- the same scripture we will be meditating on all week.
After spending so much time with one verse for a whole week, my hope is you will discover that you have it memorized!
In summary, the Bible Challenge 2012-2013 will consist of a 52-week challenge where you will be meditating on and memorizing one verse of scripture each week. At the end of the challenge, you will have saturated yourselves with these 52 verses, which in turn is going to positively affect your emotions, your will and your mind, bringing them captive to the obedience of Christ. You should be able to recall many, if not all, of the verses for personal meditation anytime/anywhere, whether you have your Bible in hand or not. You will be able to utilize these verses in your prayer life, which is very powerful, especially in times of spiritual warfare. And you will have scripture on the tip of your tongue, ready to minister to people you come into contact with. You will have the scripture in your mouth!
I hope this gives you an idea of the importance of meditation & memorization of God's Word and I hope you are excited about this new challenge and the fruit you can expect in your lives.
Please prayerfully consider taking this challenge with us!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Have you........
continued to read God's Word?
We finished the Bible Challenge over two weeks ago. Have you continued to read God's Word?
I have to admit that I haven't read it as much as I thought I would. During the challenge, I read EVERY day. It seems like a habit like that wouldn't slip away so quickly but somehow it does. I know for me, accountability is key and having a goal is important.
We chose to take a break from the challenge and the blog in June because we knew our family would be super busy this month with camp....first a week of family camping, then a week to prepare for Faith to go to camp, and another week of Faith serving as a counselor at a local camp and our family having the privilege to serve there as well.
Soooooo, camp is over and I'm ready to get settled into some sort of routine again, including my daily Bible study!
We have big plans for another Bible Challenge! I hope you will join us again. You may have started the last challenge strong but quickly gave up because the cares of the world got in your way. You may have started the challenge and managed to hang on for a long time but just couldn't find the strength to finish. Maybe you finished and you're ready for another challenge! Whatever your story, it's not over yet! Reading and studying the Bible should be a lifelong process if we love the Lord and are committed to following Him.
Our new challenge will look different. Instead of reading large portions of scripture each day, we will be looking at one scripture at a time for a whole week. We're going to be digging in a little deeper, letting God's Word penetrate deep into our hearts where change can take place.
I'll have more details soon so get ready and stay tuned!
We're going to DELVE in 2012!
We finished the Bible Challenge over two weeks ago. Have you continued to read God's Word?
I have to admit that I haven't read it as much as I thought I would. During the challenge, I read EVERY day. It seems like a habit like that wouldn't slip away so quickly but somehow it does. I know for me, accountability is key and having a goal is important.
We chose to take a break from the challenge and the blog in June because we knew our family would be super busy this month with camp....first a week of family camping, then a week to prepare for Faith to go to camp, and another week of Faith serving as a counselor at a local camp and our family having the privilege to serve there as well.
Soooooo, camp is over and I'm ready to get settled into some sort of routine again, including my daily Bible study!
We have big plans for another Bible Challenge! I hope you will join us again. You may have started the last challenge strong but quickly gave up because the cares of the world got in your way. You may have started the challenge and managed to hang on for a long time but just couldn't find the strength to finish. Maybe you finished and you're ready for another challenge! Whatever your story, it's not over yet! Reading and studying the Bible should be a lifelong process if we love the Lord and are committed to following Him.
Our new challenge will look different. Instead of reading large portions of scripture each day, we will be looking at one scripture at a time for a whole week. We're going to be digging in a little deeper, letting God's Word penetrate deep into our hearts where change can take place.
I'll have more details soon so get ready and stay tuned!
We're going to DELVE in 2012!
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