Saturday, June 16, 2012

Have you........

continued to read God's Word?

We finished the Bible Challenge over two weeks ago.  Have you continued to read God's Word?

I have to admit that I haven't read it as much as I thought I would.  During the challenge, I read EVERY day.  It seems like a habit like that wouldn't slip away so quickly but somehow it does.  I know for me, accountability is key and having a goal is important.

We chose to take a break from the challenge and the blog in June because we knew our family would be super busy this month with camp....first a week of family camping, then a week to prepare for Faith to go to camp, and another week of Faith serving as a counselor at a local camp and our family having the privilege to serve there as well.

Soooooo, camp is over and I'm ready to get settled into some sort of routine again, including my daily Bible study!

We have big plans for another Bible Challenge!  I hope you will join us again.  You may have started the last challenge strong but quickly gave up because the cares of the world got in your way.  You may have started the challenge and managed to hang on for a long time but just couldn't find the strength to finish.  Maybe you finished and you're ready for another challenge!  Whatever your story, it's not over yet!  Reading and studying the Bible should be a lifelong process if we love the Lord and are committed to following Him.

Our new challenge will look different.  Instead of reading large portions of scripture each day, we will be looking at one scripture at a time for a whole week.  We're going to be digging in a little deeper, letting God's Word penetrate deep into our hearts where change can take place.

I'll have more details soon so get ready and stay tuned!

We're going to DELVE in 2012!

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