The following is a quote from the BBC Manual:
"The Bible was written over 1,600 years, by over 40 different authors from very different walks of life, on three different continents, during times of war and peace, in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. These facts make the Bible an impossible book to write . . . if man had written it. The hands of men recorded it but the mind of God wrote it through those hands. There is a unity that cannot be mistaken. We can begin at Genesis and read through to the end. There is no jar. We can pass from one style of literature to another as easily as though we were reading a story written by one hand and produced by one life, and indeed we have here a story produced by one mind (2 Peter 1:21) though not written by one hand."
The Bible – there is no other book like it and there will never be another book like it. It is God’s Book to man.
Are you excited to seek, learn and understand what God wants to tell us through His marvelous Word?!
A couple of things to consider before you start:
1. As we seek a closer walk with the Lord, the Enemy is going to try to come against us. Let’s be PRAYER WARRIORS for each other! Do you have any specific requests to share? What do you see as being your biggest obstacle as you begin this challenge? Time? Discipline? Understanding?
2. Have you thought about when you will be doing your daily reading? It’s a good idea to have a plan. You’re always going to have those days when you are not able to read at that specific time, but for most days it will help to know what you are going to do. Will you be reading in the morning, at night, some other time? Make a commitment to yourself. You might think about it like this, "No Bible, no breakfast" or "No Bible, no bed." Let’s share with each other what our plan is as part of our accountability to one another.
Don't be shy........I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you!
Challenge begins Monday, July 1st!