Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 83 - War Against the Tribe of Benjamin

Daily Reading:  Judges 19-21

"In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit."
                                                                                   Judges 21:25

19:1-21:25 Footnote:

What is the significance of this tragic story? When the Israelites' faith in God disintegrated, their unity as a nation also disintegrated. They could have taken complete possession of the land if they had obeyed God and trusted him to keep his promises. But when they forgot him, they lost their purpose and soon "everyone did as he saw fit". When they stopped letting God lead them, they became no better than the evil people around them. When they made laws for their own benefit, they set standards far below God's. When you leave God out of your life you may be shocked at what you are capable of doing.

The time period of the judges ends in a bloody civil war that sets the stage for the spiritual renewal to come under Samuel.

21:25 Footnote:

During the time of the judges, the people of Israel experienced trouble because everyone became his own authority and acted on his own opinions of right and wrong. This produced horrendous results. Our world is similar. Individuals, groups, and societies have made themselves the final authorities without reference to God. When people selfishly satisfy their personal desires at all costs, everyone pays the price.

It is the ultimate heroic act to submit all our plans, desires, and motives to God. Men like Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson are known for their heroism in battle. But their personal lives were far from heroic.

To be truly heroic, we must go into battle each day in our home, job, church, and society to make God's kingdom a reality. Our weapons are the standards, morals, truths, and convictions we receive from God's Word.

We will lose the battle if we gather the spoils of earthly treasures rather than seeking the treasures of heaven.

Keep reading -- 282 days left!

All footnotes taken from the Life Application Study Bible, NIV

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