Chapter 8 and 9 footnotes:
Wisdom's call is contrasted to the call of the adulteress in Chapter 7. Wisdom is portrayed as a woman who guides us and makes us succeed. Wisdom was present at the creation and works with the Creator. God approves of those who listen to wisdom's counsel. Those who hate wisdom love death. Wisdom should affect every aspect of our entire life, from beginning to end. Be sure to open all corners of your life to God's direction and guidance.
Wisdom and Folly (foolishness) are portrayed in this chapter as rival young women, each preparing a feast and inviting people to it. But Wisdom is a responsible woman of character, while Folly is a prostitute serving stolen food. Wisdom appeals first to the mind; Folly to the senses. It is easier to excite the senses, but the pleasures of Folly are temporary. By contrast, the satisfaction that wisdom brings lasts forever.
With his mouth the godless destroys his neighbor,
but through knowledge the righteous
Proverbs 11:9
The mouth can be used either as a weapon or a tool, hurting relationships or building them up. Sadly, it is often easier to destroy than to build, and most people have received more destructive comments than those that build up. Every person you meet today is either a demolition site or a construction opportunity. Your words will make a difference. Will they be weapons for destruction or tools for construction?
Like a gold ring in a pig's
is a beautiful woman who shows no
Proverbs 11:22
Physical attractiveness without discretion soon wears thin. We are to seek those character strengths that help us make wise decisions, not just those that make us look good. Not everyone who looks good is pleasant to live or work with. While taking good care of our body and appearance is not wrong, we also need to develop our ability to think.
Keep reading -- 211 days left!
All footnotes taken from the Life Application Study Bible, NIV
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