Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the
Lord his God. 14:1
Footnote: Asa's reign was marked by peace because he did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God. This refrain is often repeated in Chronicles -- obedience to God leads to peace with God and others. In the case of Judah's kings, obedience to God led to national peace, just as God had promised centuries earlier. In our case, obedience may not always bring peace with our enemies, but it will bring peace with God and complete peace in his future kingdom. Obeying God is the first step on the path to peace.
The Spirit of God came upon Azariah son of Obed.
He went out to meet Asa and said to him, "Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and
Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will
be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.
Footnote: Asa wisely welcomed people who had a close
relationship with God, and he listened to their messages. Azariah gave the
armies an important warning and encouraged them to stay close to God. Keep in
contact with people who are filled with God's Spirit, and you will learn God's
counsel. Spend regular time in discussion and prayer with those who can help
explain and apply God's message.
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for
your work will be rewarded. 15:7
Footnote: Azariah encouraged the men of Judah to keep up
the good work, "For your work will be rewarded." This is an inspiration for us
too. Recognition and reward are great motivators that have two dimensions:
1. The temporal dimension. Living by God's standards may result in acclaim here on earth.
2. The eternal dimension. Permanent recognition
and reward will be given in the next life. Don't be discouraged if you feel
your faith in God is going unrewarded here on earth. The best rewards are not
in this life but in the life to come.
Keep reading -- 118 days left!
All footnotes taken from the Life Application Study Bible, NIV
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