Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the
Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was
tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them
he was hungry. Luke 4:1,2
Footnote: Sometimes we feel that if the Holy Spirit leads
us, it will always be "beside quiet waters". But that is not necessarily true.
He led Jesus into the desert for a long and difficult time of testing, and he
may also lead us into difficult situations. When facing trials, first make sure
you haven't brought them on yourself through sin or unwise choices. If you find
no sin to confess or unwise behavior to change, then ask God to strengthen you
for your test. Finally, be careful to follow faithfully wherever the Holy
Spirit leads.
When the devil had finished all this tempting, he
left him until an opportune time. 4:13
Footnote: Christ's defeat of the devil in the desert was
decisive but not final. Throughout his ministry, Jesus would confront Satan in
many forms. Too often we see temptation as once and for all. In reality, we
need to be constantly on guard against the devil's ongoing attacks. Where are
you most susceptible to temptation right now? How are you preparing to
withstand it?
At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place.
Footnote: Jesus had to get up very early just to get some
time alone. If Jesus needed solitude for prayer and refreshment, how much more
is this true for us? Don't become so busy that life turns into a flurry of
activity leaving no room for quiet fellowship alone with God. No matter how
much you have to do, you should always have time for prayer.
Footnote 6:12: The Gospel writers note that before every
important event in Jesus' life, he took time to go off by himself and pray.
This time Jesus was preparing to choose his inner circle, the 12 disciples.
Make sure that all your important decisions are grounded in prayer.
Keep reading -- 63 days left!
All footnotes taken from the Life Application Study Bible, NIV
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